Sunday, October 28, 2007

Utah Trip

Well a while ago we went to Utah for a quick trip for conference. I didn't get the chance to even see any of my FAMILY! It was a short trip, and we were unfortunate not to get or have any tickets for conference. It was a rainy weekend so basically a lot of shopping was done inside the mall. You never realize how small Rexburg is until you go to somewhere bigger like Provo... Or I guess even Idaho Falls. We played a lot of Mafia and games when we stayed at Paige's house. Utah is always fun to visit because it always is like one big reunion. I was able to see friends that have graduated or that have transfered schools and visit with them all. It was a fun but SHORT weekend. Sorry I didn't get around to seeing my Utah Cousins (And Aaron and Stacey)

1 comment:

Lana Dawn said...

come to utah again
and we will hang out
not just at the mall
with millions of people from every hometown there..
i love you