Tuesday, May 31, 2011


 Look what we found in the dark depths of Grammy Orton's freezer...
   Look familiar?
We were only a few years late and it was surprisingly moist and delicious.
However, the same doesn't apply for the chicken we found marked 8/25/1999.

Monday, May 23, 2011


We celebrated two years yesterday.
Drew loved crawling around and playing with the balloons and flowers on the graves.
It was his first time being awake while visiting the cemetery.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Quick Update

These are a couple pictures taken by my friend Becca at my cousin Chandra's wedding last weekend. 
Isn't Drew cute?
 We've been really busy the last 7 days with moving, weddings, school, and watching Wheel of Fortune.
We currently don't have internet, so I will have to fill in the details at a later date... 

Monday, May 02, 2011


Spring term started out a lot cooler than I anticipated. I pictured myself wearing shorts and sandals, maybe even getting a tan on my walks to school. But instead the dark cloudy skies brought snow, soaking my feet and starting the semester off with a downer.
I'm taking Management Communications as my Advanced Written & Oral Communication credit, and so far I really like the class. One of our assignments is to blog two times a week about anything we want. The only requirement is that it is 150 words long, and both posts are written by 11:57pm Sunday evening (Thus the late night blogging tonight)

This is my first time ever going to school for Spring term. I've been making a list of pros and cons in my head each day while I walk home. Both sides of the list are pretty even. However, the one thing that overpowers the con side of the list would be the increase in BYU visitors. This includes both the pretentious teens visiting for EFY, which always seem to holler obnoxious things all hours of the day for nearly every week of the summer as well as the masses of women that fill campus during Women’s Conference.
We technically live on campus so during any event that goes on at BYU we are trapped until the traffic subsides. Last week while driving pass campus, I nearly hit two separate women at different intersections. People that are crossing the street without looking or going at the wrong time. These are women on a mission, and nothing will come between them and their spiritual workshops.

So as the summer begins, and campus swells with visitors, I will be attending school and most likely have more interesting encounters with tourists that I will be sure to blog about.