I love the
Halloween season. Our apartment has been decorated since October 1st. We've attended a few of the Haunted Houses/Factories/Mills around the Eastern Idaho area but I especially liked Dr. Slaughter's House of Terror. It is an old deserted mall in Idaho Falls, similar to Brentwood Mall in Calgary... Brentwood mall might actually even be creepie
r because the people roaming around there aren't actors. So here is the criteria we have rated other places on- length of line, price of admission, scare factor, and entertainment. THIS PLACE IS OFF THE CHARTS IN ALL AREAS (well maybe not the scare factor) but still, I loved it. The line was reasonable. and there was entertain WHILE we were in the line. Zombies dancing to such hits as "THRILLER" in a com
pletely choreographed dance. price of admission was $5.00, on a Saturday night. (other places are $8.00 on weekends, $5.00 weeknights) the entertain and scare factors were awesome. they had children be
hind an old stores display window singing creepy songs. they had a fun house section with a moving floor and spinning walls full of skulls and bones. And after the whole thing you get picked up in this trolley like bus and get taken back to the front of the parking lot. My roommate Paige and I liked it so much that we gave them our phone numbers for next year to be volunteer creepers!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Salmon to Salmon
Well the first block of Fall is over which means so are all the first block sports. I'm waiting for some more pictures to be uploaded by one of my fellow teammates, but until then I will upload the ones I have. We had a good season on both of the teams I was on. Hannah Salmon and I were on an Ultimate Frisbee and Flag Football team. Kandice Palmer was also on the Flag Football team with
us. O
ur team, The Green Beans, an all girls team, got knocked out of the finals in the semi-final round ranking us Third for the season. Not too shabby. Some of those girls were INTEEENSE! Hannah and I had a little play called Salmon to Salmon. Well really it was just I ran out either left or right side, which ever Hannah said, and she threw it to me. We pulled it off in our last game but even with our awesome plays and sweet moves we were still defeated by the Trash Queens. In Ultimate Frisbee our Co-ed team made it to the Championships. Once again The "Eh" Team was reunited from last season. Adding a few new players (Hannah being one of them) and losing a few ot
hers. Our regular s
eason wasn't too hot, but we pulled through when it got to the tournament. win after win we moved up the bracket until our last game where we played the 1st ranked team. we lead the game 6-5 until the last minute when the scored. 5 minutes of overtime were put on the clock and in the end we lost by a single point. The wind was not in our favor and neither was the lack of substitutes. they had 14 players, only needing 7 on the field at a time. They constantly had fresh legs and a height advantage on us. Their shortest male player was still 6'2". Hannah played an outstanding game. She was better then some of the guys on our team even hahaha. I pulled my hamstring in a game earlier in the week so Hannah definitely picked up the slack. Everyone in the stadium was whispering "Who's that girl?!" and I proudly yelled out "THAT'S MY COUSSSSIN!" So although we didn't end up with the most coveted Intramural Champion T-shirt we still had a fun season.

DBW. (Dance Battle Wednesdays)
Well for any of you that have ever attended BYU-Idaho or Ricks College or lived in Rexburg will understand when I attempt to explain DBW. Well, Rexburgians (Locals and College Students) are always trying to come up with great ideas to make Rexburg cool, trendy and fun. These attempts have had reasonable success but often phase out after a few months, or when the semester is over, or even if those that started the event graduate. Currently the "TRENDY EVENT" is DBW. Dance Battle Wednesdays. DBW has been going strong now since winter semester. It started out in the lounges and clubhouses of various apar
tment c
omplexes and grew to the point of needing to rent out the REX center on Wednesday nights. I attended my FIRST DBW a few weeks ago when it was held at the Rexburg Airport. The flyers always say "SPECIAL GUESTS, DJ's and DANCERS" which really holds no value when the "Special Guest" is your FHE brother or hometeacher. Regardless my roommates (who are avid DBW attenders) and I went to this particular DBW. Special Guests from MTV were suppose to be attending and Dance Battlers from Utah, California and Colorado were also expected to be present. To make a long story short... People dance battled it out for over an hour and a half while we stood there watching. This asian ballerina chick even got up and started dancing elegantly to hiphop. That was the point when the whole thing ended and they turned the music on for everyone in the audience who paid $3.00 to sta
nd in a large circle, to finally ge
t their chance to dance. All in all I was glad I attended just so know what it was like, but I can't make any guarantees that I will attend again in the future. It is every Wednesday night 8:00pm-11:00pm. Break dancers spin around on their backs, heads and hands while poor college students pay the price of a subway sandwich to watch... if you ask me, this perhaps is the best CON/trend that has ever hit Rexburg. Other past events I can recall that didn't survive include: Ultimate Fighting Mondays (After being spiritually uplifted at FHE, boxing with absolutely no rules took place in various locations around town each Monday at 9:00pm) This event was eventually shutdown by the school and the local police. Fugitive Fridays (Friday nights people would meet at Porter or Smith Park to join in a giant game of Fugitive) this was probably my favorite event thus far. As you can see from the pictures, I battled it out a little myself too at DBW.

Utah Trip

Well a while ago we went to Utah for a quick trip for conference. I didn't get the chance to even see any of my FAMILY! It was a short trip, and we were unfortunate not to get or have any tickets for conference. It was a rainy weekend so basically a lot of shopping was done inside the mall. You never realize how small Rexburg is until you go to somewhere bigger like Provo... Or I guess even Idaho Falls. We played a lot of Mafia and games when we stayed at Paige's house. Utah is always fun to visit because it always is like one big reunion. I was able to see friends that have graduated or that have transfered schools and visit with them all. It was a fun but SHORT weekend. Sorry I didn't get around to seeing my Utah Cousins (And Aaron and Stacey)

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