Thursday, June 15, 2006

Fireworks... or something like that

Fireworks in Georgia aren't really fireworks. They are fountains that go no higher than 10 feet into the air. Considering we're located in the heart of the South we have some pretty cheesy fireworks. A woman in our ward is the representative for the whole South East region and last week she had to put on an orientation for what seemed like the whole redneck population of Georgia. They came in campers, vans, and buses. And lucky for me I had the chance of sitting at the registration table and had the opportunity of being the first person to greet these sunburned snaggle toothed hillbillies. The orientation seemed like weeks but really it was only two days. I was working my Dermatologist job 8am-5pm and then going to help with fireworks 5pm-12am. It was good money but really tiring. I'm pretty much just happy that it's over. And I'll be even more happy when I receive my check... muhahaha. Can you believe that some packages are sold for $1000? Nathan's 16th Birthday was June 1st but not so lucky for him he was on a scouting trip in Florida. Instead we waited till tonight to finally celebrate. Pizza, icecream cake, and a game of Cranium. Mike and I would have won the Cranium game except everyone else cheats. Tomorrow is my official last day of work at the Dermo. It's gonna be really sad... for about two seconds. Really though it's a fun job for the most part, but Rexburg can only wait for me for so long...


Stacey Salmon said...

Nathan looks good. He finally cut his hair (or is it just slicked back.) We wish we were there to celebrate with you guys!

Tara Fears said...

I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! Your blogs are AWESOME Sara! Keep those guys coming! I can't even wait until you're closer to me! You really better plan on playing in Utah! My Tramp is vacant for you ANYTIME!

Heather Palmer said...

Hey Sara! Looking good. I can't believe Mike is home! Wow. Anyway...your blog was hilarious. I enjoyed reading it. Hope all is well! Mine is listed on Tara's so you can check me out there! CIao!