Our first two winters here were bearable. Even enjoyable. This year's winter season however, has been long and bitter with record breaking lows and beautiful white blankets greeting us every morning. The roads are salty and bleached, and just when you think we're gearing up for spring, another storm comes through.
We'll be happy when it is over. This inside of our apartment is plastered with artwork and we have been playing "Minions" (a game Drew plays with wooden train tracks) inside for way too long. We've been loving the Ithaca ScienceCenter as a way to break up the monotony. Drew is still loving his preschool, "Little School" as he likes to call it, and last week he started the
color days portion of his class.
Claire is full of personality and sass, we love that girl. She wants to do everything Drew does. Trains, Legos, books, underwear wearing (but doesn't get the concept) backpacks, balls and cars. Drew loves that Claire speaks "Minion" (that's the second time Minions have been mentioned in this post). They are becoming great friends (almost two years later) and it makes life so much more enjoyable to not be refereeing between them.

I've been doing the gym thing, and since my last whiny weightloss
post I have put on another 6 pounds. I've been doing a lot of cycling. Indoor cycling, on a stationary bike, remember- it's still winter here. It's been fun to see improvement on race times and know that my body is getting stronger. Spencer and I both have the same racing initials "S. Orton," so sometimes he and I can place in different races and still show up on the leader boards together (is this making sense to anyone?) Anyway, I love the gaming mode and feel nerdy while I race around collecting coins and chasing dragons.
My thyroid is still not cooperating with any of the medication and anytime I am sleepy/forgetful/hungry/upset or any other emotion, I blame it on my messed up thyroid hormones. Spencer says he takes care of three babies as some nights I even fall asleep before Drew and Claire.
Spencey Baby is ready to graduate in May. He's got an easy schedule of classes and spends more hours at home than in the library, a beautiful contrast from the previous two years of law school. We'll be sad to see him go again come fall when he starts his first grown-up job. We're getting excited for New York City and have started to look into how ridiculously expensive life is there.