Did you know that you can only have 100 readers on a private blog? After additional emails and requests w

e hit our limit. So now we are just like the rest of you bloggers out there. Exposed to the World Wide Web. It's alright though I suppose. I guess I will continue blogging from where my last post ended.
The weekend our baby girl joined us our whole ward and family pulled together to get flights, programs, flowers and everything else needed to plan a funeral. We had a memorial service on May 25th, Memorial Day. Fitting we thought. The speakers (Spencer's mom and my dad) did a great job, and a cute little girl- Caroline- sang "I Am a Child of God." The program was short and sweet. Our bishop wrote an awesome poem that he read just before the closing. One of the hardest parts of the day was giving the tiny casket to the funeral director who placed it in the back of the hurse. A full size hurse. Her casket looked so small and lonely in there. We a

re so grateful for all the time and talents that were rendered on our behalf that day.
Larae Rahm was kind enough to offer her photography skills and got a ton of great pictures of the day. Kim Benham put together a book that everyone attending could sign. Lots of great ladies helped to put the flowers together. It was just such a nice day. Also- Thanks to Tara for the great "IT'S A GIRL" banner that she made for a future baby shower, Thanks Cous. We used it a little earlier than planned. I guess I didn't realize at the time just how pale and chubby I was until Larae showed me the pictures. yikes. After the service Spencer and I took a nice long nap on the couch. (My dad is quite the creeper.) We are so happy that we have each other and that we have continued to hear good news from our doctors at all of the postop vi

sits. Thank you for all the prayers. Ward members have brought by books and family members have sent letters and cards filled with comforting words. In one particular
book it spoke about the verse found in D&C 42:45 "Thou shalt live together in love, insomuch that thou shalt weep for the loss of them that die..." It made me feel a little bit better about having sadness. Before I had felt almost guilty when I couldn't fight tears back and they would spill over my eyes. I felt that if I really understood the Gospel and its teachings that I would have no desire to cry but reading through that scripture assured me that it's okay to be sad. Despite all we are really enjoying our summer and have even since then traveled to Florida (look forward to hearing about that in my next post) I have learned that trials make you stronger, and bed rest makes you weaker. I went out for my first day of "light exercise" (whatever that means) which included a 3 mile walk. For two days after I moved like a 90 year old walking on a board of nails. It's amazing how fast your body gets out of shape- and not so amazing how hard it is to get back in to shape.
It's just another thing that has come out of this situation that will take some work.
For more pictures from the Memorial Service click
HERETurn up the volume and press PLAY.