Thursday, February 14, 2008

If there were no such thing as bad luck, I would have no luck.

My cousin, Dallin, was the lucky one generous enough to pick me up from the airport. I actually was able to see John and Lindy in the SLC airport on my way out, and on their way in for a flight to ATL. My bags took a while to come off the conveyer belt, I stood there waiting as Dallin wandered around the airport looking for my baggage claim. Once we finally had the bags the two of us left the airport together, one 50lb bag each. Upon arrival to the car Dallin mumbled “Oh, that’s my car” very nonchalant. I looked up and began running to the rescue of the Cavalier. Dallin had momentarily parked in the drop off zone where dozens of other cars also were parked. The only reason the Cavalier was being towed was because it was the only spot where the tow truck had room to get in to hook it on. After talking with the tow truck man and the officer we paid $20.00 cash and the car was released. After laughing about the situation we finally left the airport. 30 minutes or so on our journey SB on I-15 the cavalier began to slow down. Once again in a nonchalant attitude, Dallin casually made it across 4 lanes of traffic to the shoulder, where we determined we had run out of gas. The problem was the gauge was telling us different. We called Gary and Tara who happened to be close, and asked them to bring us gas. No more than 5 minutes after they agreed to come, a HIGHWAY PATROL truck rolled up behind us. After telling him the situation he waited until Gary and Tara had arrived with our gasoline. It was one disaster to another. We finally made it back to Provo alive and well…. However the Saga continues… a few days ago Dallin received a letter stating that he owed Salt Lake City $50.00 for the ticket we apparently got that day. He fought it through an email and ended up only having to pay $10.00 instead. We showed them! So it was a tale of unfortunate events, however it could have been worse. It can always be worse. So I guess I rather have bad luck than no luck…


Tara Fears said...

...and then Sara slips and falls on the ICE TWICE...are you going to tell those stories too? Good post Sara! I love it when I get air time in someone elses blog!! Muahaha

Kyle-Scott Hansen said...

I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE BLOGING AGAIN. I always click on your little link on my blog and its fun to be able to stalk you again!!! Come visit us!

Lauren said...

HAHAHAH i love it. everything about it. i'm obsessssssed with you!!!

byufish said...

So many little time to blog them all! It's sooo good to have you around, even if I only see you when you're sick! You should call me for rides home more often! Love ya-C.

melissa said...

Sara.................. sara salmon sara salmon??!?!?!?

Kandice Stewart said...

Hahahaha that's the funniest chain of events ever. I think I'd be pissing myself laughing if I was in the car with you guys!