Friday, August 06, 2010


I may or may not have shed a few tears this morning. (which means I did) And not for a legitimate reason... I don't know what a typical sleeping pattern is for a 3 week old but little D may have his days and nights confused. He will sleep fine if he is being held or for an hour in his crib but once he realizes that someone put him down...
So between the hours of 4-7 he and I "slept" on the couch. I began to finally doze off around the time that the infomercials begin to shut off (6:30ish) which is also when our apartment started to wreak of gasoline and sound like it was in the middle of a tornado. 

Two Words: Grounds Maintenance.
People dressed like something out of Ghostbusters flooded the parking lot, and for a good hour I couldn't hear a thing, let alone go to sleep. I think it was hormones or lack of sleep but it felt like the end of the world to me. Here's to hoping those pesky little fellas don't come back anytime soon..
Especially this one who looked like The Terminator


.Ang. said...

I have a feeling the terminator guy miiiight be back...

Hormones + Lack of sleep=gigantic emotional magnifying glass! i've been there!!!

hang in there! Once the days and nights are sorted out and naps are established and you get a couple straight hours of sleep, you will feel like a new woman!!!


Ryan + Jess said...

Don't worry. Every new mom has breakdowns. I know i did! My husband thought I was crazy, I'm sure, but sometimes a good cry is the only thing that helps.
Hopefully soon Drew will get those days and nights straight.

A&K said...

Oh friend, I feel your pain. I shed many a tear from lack of sleep or a babe that just wont stop crying when you've tried evvverything to soothe him. Its hard sometimes, but I feel like its gotten better. They say their crying peaks at 4-6 weeks. You can do it! How do women do all these babies so close together? I can't imagine having a toddler to care for too! Bless their hearts.
Love you mama!

Lauren said...

It completely gets better. I seriously thought I was going to go crazy when Carter was that age and he did the same thing! Now he is a big boy and will barely let me hold him for a minute between all his playing. Gahhh I miss you and love you guys. I will make it down to utah and cuddle that baby of yours soon.

Stephanie Salmon said...

I think anyone who doesn't cry with a new baby at home isn't normal. :) I had a good week where I couldn't stop and wasn't sure why. But it did stop finally. Here's to hoping you get some more sleep!

Diane said...

Sara, I used to cry really loud when Alison was crying because she would never sleep. It just seemed natural to cry while she cried. I was always so tired. I wore out a rocking chair. Drew is so cute. Hang in there.

Courtney Bartlett Morris said...

oh man. My hormones are already all over the place. I will be the biggest wreck on the block when a baby comes. I love that you're a mama! It makes me so happy to see pictures of Drew, even if he is screaming bloody murder. Love you!!

Rachelle said...

You cry all you want! Stupid grounds maintenance people. Honestly, what do they do in the afternoon?

It does get better I promise! I think everyone kind of blocks out just how bad the sleep deprivation is once they get past it. Maybe it's some sort of defense mechanism. Just know that you're doing a good job and whenever you'd like to nap in peace, you can call or text and I'll take him for a while.

byufish said...

Hmmmm....lots of advice. Do they have baby Tylenol PM? That'd do the trick...for BOTH of you! Hee hee hee.

Lindy Salmon said...

You and Anya share a deep dislike for landscapers. And you and I may (or may not) share crying sessions out of fatigue.

mb said...

if they come back, you have my permission to chucks rocks at them. Give them something to blow away with their sissy little leaf blowers.

I love that pic of little D. It is sad but cute all at once.

Taylor {Sew Much Love} said...

Oh girl that sounds EXACTLY like what happened to minus the maintenance guys! Everyone's said this but it really will be over really fast!

Then they start sleeping in like 5 hour blocks and it's wonderful!

Kelly and Tyler said...


Josh & Jennifer said...

Sad day, next time tell the "terminator guys" it's illegal to be doing yard work on that day or b4 a certain time & if they don't stop your calling the cops....Hopefully 2morrow's a more restful day. Love the pictures of Drew, he's so tiny & cute I just wanna snuggle him.

Kaiti Klara said...

Sara, he is the cutest!!!! I hope he starts sleeping better though!

Heather said...

Totally been there, Sara. And its TOTALLY NORMAL, as unfortunate as that is. He'll figure it out, eventually. I still hugely recommend looking into Babywise...sooner rather than later too. :-) Plus, who cares about a messy/dirty house, dinner on the table, or smelling a little bit...SLEEP when he sleeps!!! You can always so one/some of those things when spencer is home to watch the little stinker.

Kay said...

And this too shall pass.... although it seems like it is taking an eternity when you are sleep deprived! There is absolutely nothing that anybody can say to a first time mom to prepare her for the sleep deprivation. Just be sure to have Spencer step in a give you a good long break once in awhile-- you would be amazed what 5 or 6 uninterrupted hours of sleep will do for you! Can't wait to meet the little night owl when you come to GA!

likeschocolate said...

It gets better, I promise. Just hang in there and try to enjoy every little moment.

Cindy said...

I bet you just love Wymount! Come sleep over here!