8 (long) weeks ago, when I started this journey on bedrest, my doctor was unsure of just exactly how long this pregnancy would last. He told us that 28 weeks would be a great goal to get to. I looked at the calendar and immediately decided that if I was still pregnant at 28 weeks I would eat a (delicious Costco) churro in honor of Cinco de Mayo. On the other hand if I wasn't pregnant at 28 weeks Spencer would proceed to call me his Third Trimester Virgin. Two pregnancies and I had never been there-- UNTIL NOW.
We didn't exactly spend the second trimester on a BabyMoon, setting up a baby nursery or enjoying the spring weather but I've made it to the Third Trimester- THE FINAL STRETCH! I feel liberated. I feel calm knowing that if Spencer Jr. came now that his chance of survival is at least 80%. I feel strong and powerful. and I feel very FAT.

Lately I have been compared to someone incarcerated in a prison-- Looking forward to visitors and mealtime. I believe I gain weight just thinking about eating. My dreams lately have somewhat switched gears from the nightmares of doing my own c-section with a dull rock in a forest, to dreams of working out and walking. These appendages I once called "legs" are unfamiliar sausage-like-links attached to my body. Oh how far I have fallen (and that churro didn't help) I have already begun to plan my postpartum workouts and develop the "ULTIMATE WORKOUT" playlist.
(Yes, I am wearing one of Spencer's Mexico t-shirts- I really got into the theme of the day)
I am still trying my best to incubate this little one and keep him inside for a number of more weeks- but the thought of walking to the mailbox or outside to enjoy the beautiful weather is beginning to consume me. I've been told that bedrest is one of the hardest things you can do, and now I fully stand behind that statement. It may not be the "Perfect Pregnancy" but it is a pregnancy, which is what matters and what we are grateful for. However, the end is near and in a weird way we are both glad how long this bedrest phase has lasted (We hope for 12 more weeks of bedrest and a healthy baby boy, but lets be honest- I can't wait to NOT be pregnant).
My dear Aunt Carol dropped off this lovely cake this morning in honor of reaching 28 weeks. I wouldn't mind if the 2 miraculously turned into a 3 over night. But if we're on the topic of wishful thinking, then I wouldn't mind if the cake had magic powers to help me lose 20lbs when I devour it.
[Thank you all for the packages, letters, and meals, and most importantly all of the prayers.]