Just in case you had the urge...

This website is awesome. You can win a $100 gift certificate for having the best picture of the month. Fabulous. I love Walmart, an now I love it even more. So remember to take your camera next time you go.
Just in case you had the urge...
The date falls on a Wednesday in September, both of which have 9 letters.
September 9 also is the 252nd day of the year. 2+5+2=9
In addition, if you multiply a single-digit number by 9, the resulting two digits add up to 9. Consider: 4x9=36; 3+6=9
(more from this article can be found on cnn.com)
I'm wondering how many pregnant women due around this time are trying to get induced on this day. Maybe that will be something I'll be blessed to consider around 10/10/10.
There are great deals all over the web today celebrating 9/9/09. Hotels.com is offering $99 hotels. Restaurant.com is offering 90% off of gift cards! As well, the Beatles albums have all been digitally remastered and have been released today.
September 9, 2009. What a great day.