First things first.
Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which a person sweats excessively and unpredictably. People with hyperhidrosis may sweat even when it is cool or when they are at rest.
You could say that I have a mild condition of Hyperhidrosis. Palmar Hyperhidrosis to be exact.

Upon my departure from my fabulous job at the
Dermatologist office, Dr. Hamilton offered the option of once again puncturing my hands with many painful needles to decrease the amount of sweating. What a nice little going-away-gift. (A previous story about a similar experience can be found
HERE) I of course agreed to the torture, and seated my self in the patients chair. I had some numbing cream, but don't think it worked much.

The procedure is done starting in the middle of the palm going in an outward spiral until each little digit is injected. A couple pricks down each finger (the tips hurting the most containing the most nerves clustered together in the body) and then you're done.
With one hand that is.

Previously I have had this procedure done with a product known as BOTOX. As many of you know, whether users or not, BOTOX is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles used to temporarily freeze and improve the look of frown lines and wrinkles. However, many of you don't know that Dysport (pronounced 'DISS-port') -a very similar product approved by the FDA April 30, 2009- is now available in the United States. Which brings me to the very reason I was seated in the patient chair that slowly reclined to a laying position as my palms sweat and sweat and sweat (their last chance for a long time I might add).

The last time I had painful palm injections the results lasted well over 9 months and wore off very slowly maximizing my results to almost 18 months* I would say. The question is: HOW LONG WILL THE DYSPORT LAST? Only time will tell. It is one week today and the results have been fabulous. Some research has shown Dysport lasting even longer than Botox- and better yet- It is a cheaper product.

*results not typical.