Saturday, April 25, 2009
It's A Girl!
I suppose gende
r guessing is like a democracy considering with the polls Girls beat Boys 15-12. Spencer and I found out that the baby is a girl. We couldn't get any perfectly clear images but the tech said "I'm 90% about this one, and I'm never wrong." Of course we didn't go out and buy pink paint for a room or anything but we did make o
ne tiny little purchase when we found out the news- A pink BYU onesie. Spencers sister, Laura, had her graduation just an hour after we found out so we told his family they would just have to wait and see what color shirts we ended up wearing to find out if the baby was a boy or girl. Graduation was long but we went out to eat after which was really g
ood. We're really excited that it's a girl. Spencer walked out of the doctors office and said "Well there's one wedding we'll have to pay for..." - Don't worry. He's really excited too. It's really sweet because the office sends you images right to your email. Some weren't super clear because our little girl just was sleeping on her stomach with her hands in her face-- (SIMILAR TO SPENCER-- probably without the drool)...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Things I've Learned This Semester:
- Never look up people on facebook in the library, they could be watching you stalk them.
I'm sure I've learned a lot of other things, some being academic of course, but these were just a few things that came to mind since the last day of school is today.
- Stove Top on its own is a complete meal.
- The LRC (Learning Resource Center) in the library lets you borrow movies for 3 days.
- it's $5.00 every day the movie is late.
- Don't take prenatal pills on an empty stomach... unless you want to be bulimic.
- Provo has a couple "fake" springs before the real one comes.
- $5.00 hot-n-readys from Little Caesars are actually pretty good.
- Sometimes your neighbors like to steal your hub caps.
- The Provo Bakery is a block from our apartment. And it is divine.
- The four most caring words are "We can’t afford it.” - Elder Robert D. Hale
- Costco samples (when collected in surplus) can qualify as a meal.
- The LRC (Learning Resource Center) in the library lets you borrow movies for 3 days.
- it's $5.00 every day the movie is late.
- Don't take prenatal pills on an empty stomach... unless you want to be bulimic.
- Provo has a couple "fake" springs before the real one comes.
- $5.00 hot-n-readys from Little Caesars are actually pretty good.
- Sometimes your neighbors like to steal your hub caps.
- The Provo Bakery is a block from our apartment. And it is divine.
- The four most caring words are "We can’t afford it.” - Elder Robert D. Hale
- Costco samples (when collected in surplus) can qualify as a meal.
I'm sure I've learned a lot of other things, some being academic of course, but these were just a few things that came to mind since the last day of school is today.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What's With The Widget?
You may be wondering why that little widget is garnishing the sidebar of our blog… I thought of a lot of things I could title this post: Our New Addition, 1+1=3, I’m not fat… I’m just pregnant, Tax Deduction, but whatever way I put it I’m trying to say the same thing… We’re Pregnant! This little bundle of joy (that will be joining us around October 5th) was somewhat of a shocking surprise to us. After having plenty of radiation to the pelvic region and ovaries during cancer treatments I
was told having children was very unlikely. Oncologists, endocrinologist and fertility specialists a like told us that something like this would never happen, not without some sort of medical assistance. So when it did we were really excited and felt really blessed to have this little miracle coming to us. The OB/GYN didn’t believe it until we got a 6 week ultrasound and saw the little flickering heart beat. It took us a while to spill the beans since I was put on bed rest for the first trimester due to some cramping and bleeding that would occur every time I stood up. Blood results even said that the HCG levels were too low and it was classified as a “threatened miscarriage” for a number of weeks. Spencer got a little jealous of my sweet life of leisure. Now it is classified as a “high risk pregnancy” so unfortunately I won’t be running any marathons or bungee jumping anytime soon. Things seem more normal now and hopefully should be till the last co
uple weeks, where having only one kidney becomes a concern. I called some family to let them know of the news a couple of weeks ago and one of my aunts just assumed that we used the 2 eggs that are frozen from an egg retrieval done back in August’08. But when I told her we didn’t even have to use those she became even MORE excited. Spencer and I feel the same way. We are so excited to have this opportunity and feel so blessed. It definitely was unexpected and unplanned for but we’re so glad its happening. Next Friday (the 24th) we find out what little baby Orton is, so I wanted to get this posted to get some guesses going before we find out!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Recent Events
It feels like Spencer and I have been really busy lately with school and errands and family festivities. Both Saturday and Sunday we ate two dinners at different peoples homes. Luckily we snuck in a visit to the gym Saturday morning. Saturday we went out to Spencer's cousins farm in Payson and had a h
uge Easter egg hunt. The odor of all the animals reminded me exactly of the Calgary Stampede petting zoo. The lawn was covered with tiny candy bars and (boiled) eggs. All the kids went for only the eggs and were really disappointed when they found out that there was no candy inside. They ended up smashing the eggs on the front porch. I'm sure their uncle is really pleased. After a late lunch with some cousins we stopped in Springville on our way back to Provo for a class BBQ that one of Spencers teachers put on. The food there was really good too. She had a pasta salad that I have been craving for a long time but have just been too lazy to make myself. Our Sunday sacrament meeting was filled with lots of musical numbers. One in particular was really funny. A mom of 3 got up to play the violin and after she was done her little 2 year old yelled "TAKE A BOW!" shaping her little hands into a trumpet like shape. Her gran
dpa quickly smothered her face but apparently not very well because she broke free and yelled it again "TAKE A BOW!" The mom just smiled and sat down. After church we went over to my cousin Emily (Salmon) & Mike Kinghorn's house where Aunt Lori, Spencer, Kathryn (and boys), Robert & Amber and little baby Pepper were. We had a big Easter dinner and visited for a long time until we headed off to yet ANOTHER dinner. At Spencers house his mom had just laid out the clues for the Easter egg hunt. We lined up on the stairs for a quick snapshot before running off in different directions in search of the Easter baskets. It was the only picture we took all weekend. We got lots of puzzles for Easter that I am really excited to start working on. As soon as we finish up some schoolwork I'm going to bust open the puzzles and get to work.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
I found this blog through a friend (Thanks Melissa) and laughed and reminisced as I read the things that are "Over Heard in Rexburg". Hallelujah! It's about time someone in Rexburg started a blog like this:
after reading all the eavesdropped conversations I quickly typed in overheardinprovo.blogspot.com to see if it was available and it is, just with out any recent updates. Perhaps the owner of the blog moved away from Provo. I would be more than happy to take it over for them. I hear the funniest conversations while walking around campus.
"You can still have a muffin-top if you're wearing a long shirt. It's like a muffin-top in a plastic baggy."

Monday, April 06, 2009
I'm Getting Excited.
There are lots of things to be excited for this time of year. School is almost done. Perhaps a summer trip somewhere. Bike rides when the nights cool off. But mostly just the warmth that has been slow to arrive. Today it was really warm out and Spencer and I sat outside on campus and ate some lunch. I rolled my jeans up and enjoyed the heat. After I got back inside I noticed I had a small tan line from my sandals and I remembered how much I love the sandal tan lines you get on your feet in the summer. I'm getting really excited for all the fun things that the summer brings.

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