Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ode to Miriam

I wanted to write an ode to our neighbor Miriam, but when I researched how to exactly write an actual "ode" the task seemed a little daunting. So instead of an ode I have decided to write more of a tribute. My adoration for Miriam began when we first moved in to our apartment. I powered up the laptop in hopes that someone somewhere had some sort of a wireless router set up. The computer took a moment to load all the icons but when it was finish the small wireless network connection icon was glowing a bright green and the word “CONNECTED” appeared. Not only was I connected, but I was connected at EXCELLENT speed, and to a woman’s network named “Miriam”. For weeks now I have been mooching off her internet connection without a second thought. Never has it once failed me, which I can’t necessarily say about the BYU library wi-fi. Anywhere the laptop goes in the house it remains connected as “Excellent” or even “Very Good”. It makes me wonder where this Miriam character is located. We have other apartments on all four sides of us, so perhaps we even share a wall with her. Maybe she’s the neighbor that plays the Ranchera-Mariachi-Polka type music that blasts through the walls. Either way, whoever she is we are grateful for her selflessness to share something so willingly and freely with us. Thank You Miriam! This post is to you!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Like He wants this all over the internet, but just incase you didn't know MY DAD TURNED 50! Happy Birthday Dad! We Love You!

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Honeymooners

After we spent Christmas in Georgia, we headed down to Orlando, Florida for a couple of days of relaxation in the Sunshine State. An extra hour or two was added to our drive down due to the high volume of crazy College Football Fans. One night we walked around Orlando's Tourist District (somewhat similar to the Las Vegas strip) We even grabbed a little icecream in the 80 degree weather. Before heading back to our hotel we were approached by a man carrying a small alligator advertising for Gator Land. (A couple of posts back- in the summer Spencer and I went to the "Alligator Farm" in St. Augustine-- one alligator farm of large lazy reptiles is enough for a lifetime.) Speaking of Gators, on our way home we made a pit stop to Gainesville, FL- HOME OF THE SWAMP and the FLORIDA GATORS. This was probably Spencers most enjoyable part of the trip. He doesn't really care for the Gators, but he DOES love football.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

We Got Hitched!

About a month ago, December 19th, Spencer and I were married in the Salt Lake Temple. I have just now found some time to sit down and post a little update about our special day. First, I would like to thank everyone that made the effort to come to the wedding- what a HUGE effort it was. The amount of snow that fell that day had to be some sort of a record. It took us 3 hours to get from Salt Lake back to Provo, which is usually a 40 minute drive. Incredible. The pictures don't give the day justice. You just cant feel the wind coming at you completely horizontal, or the the snowflakes that were the size of quarters. Despite the nasty weather that just happened to hit Temple Square the minute we walked out of the temple- it was the best day ever. It would have been nice to have the time to touchup some hair and makeup, but the weather just would not let up. The pictures here on the blog are just a few from my dad's camera, some taken from the photographer can be seen HERE (Just click into the site, then on the tab CLIENTS, and the password at the bottom is: salmon) Thank you to everyone that helped out on this special day. We Love You!