I wanted to write an ode to our neighbor Miriam, but when I researched how to exactly write an actual "ode" the task seemed a little daunting. So instead of an ode I have decided to write more of a tribute. My adoration for Miriam began when we first moved in to our apartment. I powered up the laptop in hopes that someone somewhere had some sort of a wireless router set up. The computer took a moment to load all the icons but when it was finish the small wireless network connection icon was glowing a bright gr
een and the word “CONNECTED” appeared. Not only was I connected, but I was connected at EXCELLENT speed, and to a woman’s network named “Miriam”. For weeks now I have been mooching off her internet connection without a second thought. Never has it once failed me, which I can’t necessarily say about the BYU library wi-fi. Anywhere the laptop goes in the house it remains connected as “Excellent” or even “Very Good”. It makes me wonder where this Miriam character is located. We have other apartments on all four sides of us, so perhaps we even share a wall with her. Maybe she’s the neighbor that plays the Ranchera-Mariachi-Polka type music that blasts through the walls. Either way, whoever she is we are grateful for her selflessness to share something so willingly and freely with us. Thank You Miriam! This post is to you!