Spencer and I have been busy with making plenty of decisions regarding the wedding... maybe a few of you can help us out with this one... We're trying to decide which picture to send out with our
Picture A

Picture B

Picture C

Picture D
Keep in mind there is always
PHOTOSHOP. We could always remove the logos from our clothing and remove a few loose hairs here and there... If you didn't like any of the possible picks above, you could also take a look at some of our other
options. We are also scheduled to take another bunch of photos later this month, but based on your reviews we might just go with any of the 4 options above.
This is such a big decision to make, for someone very indecisive like myself. For some people this will be the only picture they'll ever see of you and your future spouse. For others this is the first picture they have seen of you in perhaps 10 years. You want the picture to show the best of all three parties. Me, Spencer, and the Ring... hahaha Ok maybe not the ring. Sometimes those pictures are cheeseballish. So enlighten me with your opinions of engagement pictures. The ones on the website happen to be numbered so be sure to let me know your favorite picture(s).
Thank you for your help and contribution to this big decision of ours.