I just thought I
would post this really fast. A lot happened this weekend, I jus
t don't have a lot of time to write about all the events. We had our ward Christmas party, it was really nice. Spur of the moment I was asked to read a Christmas book and tell everyone how it was one of my favorites… the problem was, I had never read or even seen the book. Friday night me and some of the girls went up to the 
biggest, prettiest, and nicest cabin ever. We went to Island Park for Jenn’s bachlorette party. We made an awesome dinner and had sundaes for dessert. The cabin had 9 beds! And all these cool crawl spaces and lofts. It was our high councilmen’s cabin, so it was FREE too! Saturday morning we left he
cabin early and drove the hour ride to Targ
hee where we snowboarded the day away until it closed. I haven’t been snowboarding since I lived in Calgary, probably 6 years ago! But I actually didn’t do too badly and I almost wish I was staying for winter semester! It’s an expensive hobby though. (Aaron, I want to go when I come to Provo on Wednesday). 
Sunday I gave a talk in church about a Christmas topic of my choice. I went with Mary and her Sacrifices made to give birth to the Savior. Sunday night we had a roommate dinner of about 100 different dishes. We were trying to use all of our food up before we all head out. My roommate Jill even bought some Crab Legs (it wasn’t something we exactly had “laying around” but they were nice to eat anyway). We did our Secret Santa gift exchange as well and Jacquie got
me some nice earrings and a gift card to American Eagle. The semester has flown by! I have 2 finals today, and then I just have to clean and pack up.

(P.S. the picture of me playing nintendo was Courtney going around taking pictures of all of us in our "Natural Habitat" and the picture of the bomb pops has a lot of significance. For those of you that know... I have found that they are the cure to my intestine problem… )