Thursday night my

roommates and I went to the local club

r a little bit of dancing. It’s an LDS club, so it really can’t be that risqué. There are bouncers that walk around and act more as chaperones then anything else. It was fun though. So Saturday night despite the dress code, curfew, no sandal policy, and every other absurd rule here at BYU-Idaho, we did in fact, have a

For the first time

I felt as if I had gone to a real college! They gave out raffle tickets for an old school Audi, and also to see how many people showed up. Over 2000 people were there crammed up and down the stairs of a single tower with 4 small apartments. Kegs with cream soda and root beer graced the entrance of the party. With such a small area for mingling and dancing I was unfortunately drenched in root beer a few times. The cops showed up at midnight to shut the party down and told

us th

at we needed to recognize that the Lord’s Day had begun.
AT NO OTHER SCHOOL WOULD THAT HAVE HAPPENED. Today was the last sacrament with our ward before the semester is over. We will be losing well over half of the ward and gaining about 75% new members for the fall. Our fridge is over flowing with meat so much so that when I look i

n there for a popsicle or

anything else I get this strange feeling as if I’ve stepped inside a butchers shop. (For those of you that don’t know, my major is Beef Management Production. It was a complete joke but that’s what it will show up as until I get into the nursing program.) Anyway, so before our new roommates move in for the fall I’ve bee

n tying to get rid of a lot of the meat

so they will have some room for their frozen goods. Today I made over 4 lbs of ground beef in a casserole that made over 3 pans and fed over 12 people. It was like a mini-ward party in our kitchen this afternoon. Anyway, this next week is full of finals and papers, so I should be getting to bed here shortly. Thursday morning aunt Carol is picking me up and we are ROAD TRIPPING to Calgary!!! Hope you enjoy the pictures…