I was just walking through the library a minute ago and I saw a boy eating a Cheez Whiz sandwich.

2 slices of white bread, and one thick spread of Cheez Whiz. I immediately thought, "PEOPLE STILL EAT THAT STUFF?" Cheez Whiz is so mid-90's to me. I honestly have never had a Cheez Whiz sandwich, and I feel that the last time I even touched the stuff was with some celery sometime during my early elementary years. When I got back to my computer I had to do a quick google search on the stuff and discovered they have more than just the "Original Cheez Whiz" Other flavors include...

- Cheez Whiz Light
- Cheez Whiz Tex Mex
- Salsa Con Queso
- Cheez Whiz Italia
I can't say that these flavors are making me want to actually buy a jar of that stuff. I was thinking of other foods from the 90's-- lunchables and bagelbites came to mind (which I happened to eat just the other night) Also, does anyone remember when Mcdonalds did the McPizza? Little personal pan pizzas in little boxes? Maybe it was just a Canadian thing... Perhaps in a year or so when it's 2010 I'll have to throw a 90's party.
What other foods were big in the 90's?