Well if you haven't heard it as of yet, it's true, SPENCER AND I ARE ENGAGED

. Before I get to the actual events of the proposal, I'm going to start from the beginning, which is a very good place to start... well not the exact beginning of Spencer and I falling in love but just the part where he asked my dad if he could marry me. Spencer came out here on August 5
th and ensured me that he wasn't bringing a ring for me. On a rather slow day at work Spencer left the office for a few hours here and there running "errands". Little did I know in that time he had sat down with my dad, asked him, gone to lunch with him, and even picked out a spot on a dock on the Chattahoochee river where he would actually pop the question... And how he got the go ahead from little
Marky Mark you ask? STEAKS. 8 FAT STEAKS. Similar to the 8 cow wife theory seen on Johnny Lingo. They both laughed about the idea and just a few hours later Spencer and I were officially engaged 08.08.08.