Well, I am back in Rexburg for the summer semester. Classes are in full swing now, and the weather is just war
ming up. The first week here we had a couple of snow
storms but now we average about 72 each day. It’s nice. Last weekend my roommates and I threw a huge Cinco de Mayo Fiesta. We moved all of our furniture to the back hall of our apartment and had a huge dance party. Strobe lights, fog machines, Piñatas, and streamers. We went all out. I even ended up renting a dress from the Kirkham Auditorium for the party. Prizes went to the best Female and Male costumes of the night. My apartment this semester is fun. We’re on the top floor this time, so throwing water balloons from the windows is much more fun then it was when I was on the first floor. I live with 5 girls (6 including me) it’s a pretty full apart
ment for the summer semeste
r. Rexburg is said to be “The Next Provo”, I’ll believe it when I see it. I live with Paige, Keali, Mary, Danielle, and Kristalyn. Paige and Danielle are from Southern California, Mary’s from Tampa, Florida, Keali’s from my Stake in Georgia, and Kristalyn is from Mesa. I’ve got a bike this semester, and Paige and I ride them around everywhere. I’ll be posting more often now, hopefully, so I hope to see some more recent post from a lot of you. The summer is full of news and events, so the blogging should be out of control!

Ok, so Mary is in the white dress, Keali is in the green one. Paige has her eyes closed hahaha, and Danielle has the flower in her hair. Kristalyn was taking the picture.

I want Aaron to know I'm in full support of May being Beard month.
(Actually making Cinco De Mayo invitations got out of hand...)