Well I am only a f
ew short hours away from the 3 ½ hour drive down to
Utah. I figured that I should try to get a NEW post off fast before the thanksgiving break starts. I’m headed to the Lee’s house in Logan, which means I will have lots to talk about when I get back. Things in Rexburg are as they were when I made my last post, maybe just a bit colder. I’ve seen and heard of recent car accidents because of the ice, but besides that, not much else is new. Our dodge ball team “Peter Pan’s Clan” is curre
ntly 2-1. School is flying by. It’s hard to believe that after thi
s week off, we will only have 3 more weeks, and then I’ll be back in the warmth of the South. Saturday was a rather warm day so a few of us girls went exploring on “R” Mountain. I guess it’s like the Y, except it’s an R a on a smaller mountain. We took a picture of us jumping off this little rock that was suppose to give the illusion of huge cliff, one of us had the bright idea of holidng hands which resulted in all of us falling over. My roommate Courtney got the worst of it with her knee getting cut up. We’ve had a lot of birthdays re
cently in our tower; the fall time is full of birthdays. My roommate, Jacquie’s birthday is tomo
rrow but we celebrated it Saturday night with dinner at Texas Roadhouse, in Idaho Falls. A group of girls and I have got into a little routine of going to The Hart (The school gym) each night. I wouldn’t be surprised if Elder Bednar came back in a few months to announce an expansion of the Hart. The other day there was two girls running tandem on a treadmill, it was classic. I wish I had my camera. A few weeks ago we babysat a little dog by the name of APX (Apex). The dog is named after an alarm system company here in Rexburg. We had fun taking pictures with him; he’s full grown a
nd weighs only a few pounds. Oh yes, I almost forgot to let everyone know… I’M ENGAGED!!! – Ok, not really but we faked it with a few pictures. Anyway, I really need to get back into the groove of posting more often. Things have just been hectic at school, a few more weeks, a few finals and a project and then I’ll be good to go. Hope everyone is enjoying this time of year! I know what I am thankful for- My family, friends, the Church, and my health!